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Brand Name & Narrative

A brand name that resonates

We'll dig into market research, strategic naming, and storytelling, helping you craft a powerful brand name and narrative to cut through the noise.

Book Your Brand
Two women engaging in a discussion over a laptop on a colourful, artistic work desk, smiling and collaborating in a bright, modern office environment.Two women engaging in a discussion over a laptop on a colourful, artistic work desk, smiling and collaborating in a bright, modern office environment.

What's included:

Industry Research and Assessment

We'll do a deep dive into your industry to identify trends, challenges and opportunities, providing you with valuable insights to position your brand effectively in a competitive landscape.

Naming Strategy and Structure

We'll develop a clear strategy and structure for your brand name, considering your industry trends, competitor names and audience preferences.

Brand Name and Tagline Options

We'll present multiple unique brand names and strategic taglines that capture the essence of your business and resonate with your target audience.

Brand Narrative Connection

We'll create a compelling narrative that connects emotionally with your audience and enriches your brand identity.

Phonaesthetics and Audience Appeal

We'll analyze how your brand name sounds and how it resonates with your audience. This involves testing pronunciation and ease of recall to make sure it is appealing and memorable.

Accessibility and Availability

We'll check the accessibility and availability of the names across various platforms and domains, ensuring the name you choose can be uniquely yours.

Brand Name Registration

We'll assist with the registration of your brand name, ensuring all necessary legal and domain-related steps are completed to secure your new identity.

Ongoing Support Plan

We'll provide continuous support and guidance following the launch, ensuring your new name is integrated smoothly into all your brand communications.

Engage directly in the building of your brand.

You'll work alongside our team through a series of strategic sessions so your new brand feels familiar, not mysterious.
Explore your vision and business goals to set the stage for naming.
Deep Dive
We'll dive deep to understand your story, your industry and the competitive landscape.
Review multiple brand name, tagline and narrative options to identify the best fit.
Ensure the chosen name is legally available and secure its registration.
Provide ongoing assistance to integrate and leverage your new brand name effectively.
Questions? Book a Connection Call with our team.
Contact Us

Your big, audacious goal is our little secret.

As founders, we know how important it is to launch your brand strategically, that's why we sign a NDA before every Connection Call.

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